Ornithology (from the Greek ὄρνις ornis ("bird") and λόγος logos ("theory, science, thought"), a branch of zoology dealing with the study of biodiversuty of birds, their external and internal anatomy, evolution, behaviour and ecology. The term "Ornithology" was introduced at the end of the 16th century by Ulisse Aldrovandi, the Italian scientist.
Birds have always attracted the attention of humans. Primary information about birds, their life and behavior was gatherd due to the hunting and sacred significance of many species. Birds were deified in ancient Egypt (falcon, ibis, etc.), on the territory of Russian (swan, eagle) and in other countries.
Knowledge about the birds of the ancient world was summarized by Aristotle, in his work "The History of Animals” he gave the information about 170 species. In the Middle Ages, Frederick II Staufen wrote a treatise on the art of falconry, in which, in addition to various information and observations, he also gave drawings of birds. Leonardo da Vinci studied bird flight. The great geographical discoveries have significantly enriched the understanding of the world's avifauna.
K. Linney made a great contribution to the development of ornithology, he divided the birds into 62 genera, giving a description of 580 species. Afterwards scientists from different countries significantly expanded knowledge about birds.
In the 20th century thanks to the improvement of field optics, methods of trapping, marking and remote tracking of birds, the enrichment of the arsenal of embryological, physiological, genetic, cytological and biochemical studies, the science of ornithology has made significant strides forward. The systematics and phylogeny of birds were improved, the "Complete List of Birds of the World" was released, and a profusely illustrated 16-volume "Guide to the Birds of the World" was published. The interest in amateurs birdwatching grew in popularity in many parts of the world. According to the latest data, the world's avifauna exceeds 10,000 species.
The results of ornithologists work allow us to learn more about the nature around us, to see how amazing and diverse the fauna of the Earth is.
The most important qualities an ornithologist must have: observation; attention to details; accuracy; perseverance; ability to focus and analyze.
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Phenology in my region:
Botanical research:
Zoological research:
Research themes to choose
The avifauna of the locality under study(the city outskirts, village, etc.) |
Cavity nesters behavior during thebreeding season (woodpeckers, little flycatcher, great tit) depending on the location of the nest. |
Nesting of passerines (thrushes, whitewagtail, black crow), growth and development of nestlings. |
Daily observation of the nest of a birdof prey (black kite, kestrel) |
Colonial birds nesting (gulls) |
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Новиков Г.А. Полевые исследования по экологии наземных позвоночных. - М., 1953. - 602 с.; zoomet.ru.
Михеев А.В. Биология птиц. Полевой определитель птичьих гнезд. Пособия для студентов пединститутов и учителей средних школ. М.: Топикал, 1996. — 460 с.
EcoGuide: Guide to Ecosystems. Компьютерный атлас-определитель птиц, птичьих гнезд и голосов птиц средней полосы России.
Находкин Н.А., Гермогенов Н.И., Сидоров Б.И. Птицы Якутии: полевой справочник. – Якутск: Октаэдр, 2008. – 384 с.
Материалы из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии.
Сидоров Б.И. Знаете ли вы птиц Якутии?: Справочник-определитель.- Якутск: Бичик, 2005. – 96 с.
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