Scientific advisers

Elena Troeva, Senior Research Scientist, Ph.D. in Biology,

Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

Sakhaya Andreeva, Junior research scientist,

Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone of the Siberian Branch of the RAS

Medicinal plants and herbs

Medicinal plants are wild and cultivated plants used for the prevention and treatment of diseases in humans and animals. Medicinal practice where plants and herbs are used as a treatment for different diseases is called phytotherapy.
There are about 2000 species of higher vascular plants in Yakutia flora, more than 300 species of them are medicinal. 92 species are recognized by official medicine and are included in the State Register of Medicines of Russia, also about 100 species are similar in pharmacological properties. But if you try to analyze all the plants that are popularly considered medicinal, it turns out that in some areas their list includes almost all the species that grow there. From generation to generation people pass on knowledge about the methods of healing various diseases, including information about plants that have been known as medicinal ones. 
Serious scientific research on medicinal plants in Yakutia began in the second half of the 20th century. For example, A.A. Makarov, a prominent botanist of Yakutia, who devoted his life to the study of medicinal plants, interviewed the local population, summarizing literary and archive recording, collected information on the popular use of 130 species of local flora. 
Participating in the project you will:
- find out which plants of your region have healing properties;
- be able to give a description of the place and conditions of growth;
- earn how to make and design a scientific herbarium;
- contribute to the compilation of an electronic atlas of plants, insects and birds by providing photographs that you will take, as well as information you will have studied on plant biology, ecology and medicinal properties.

To see what and when we are doing click here

Research theme to choose

Floristic study of medicinal plants in your garden

Floristic study of medicinal plants in your locality

Comparative Study of two medicinal floras

Medicinal plant species in your area that can be used fortreatment of certain diseases (optional)

Analysis of Internet resources on medicinal flora

Please, register your research theme. Click the link and fill in the form.

Определитель высших растений Якутии (необходимо скачать файл. Открывать программой DjVu reader. Программу можно скачать здесь)

Список основных работ, обобщающих знания о лекарственных свойствах якутской флоры:
  1. Лебедев В.В. Лекарственные растения Якутии, применяемые при желудочно-кишечных заболеваниях. – Омск, 1969. – 190 с.
  2. Макаров А.А. Растительные лечебные средства якутской народной медицины. - Якутск: Якут. кн. изд-во, 1974. – 64 с.
  3. Макаров А.А. Лекарственные растения Якутии. - Якутск: Якут. кн. изд-во, 1979. – 224 с.
  4. Макаров А.А. Биологически активные вещества в растениях Якутии. - Якутск: ЯНЦ СО АН СССР, 1989. –156 с.
  5. Макаров А.А. Лекарственные растения Якутии и перспективы их освоения. -Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН,2002. –264 с.
  6. Атлас лекарственных растений Якутии: в 2 т. – Якутск: ЯФ изд-ва СО РАН, 2005. – Т.2.:   Том 2
  7. Токумова К.П. Төрөөбүт дойдубут эмтээх үүнээйилэрэ. – Якутск: Бичик, 1999. – 108 с.
  8. Иванов Б.И., Иванова А.Д. Использование лекарственных растений Якутии: 350 советов народной медицины. – Новосибирск: Наука, 2009. – 189 с.
  9. Иллюстрированный определитель лекарственных растений Якутии / Кривошапкина Л.Г., Кривошапкина В.С. Кривошапкин И.М. Под ред. Кривошапкиной Л.Г. –Тверь: ООО «ИПК Парето-Принт», 2018. – 640 с.
  10. Методы изучения ценопопуляций цветковых растений: учебно-методическое пособие для магистров биологического факультета / Сост. А.С. Кашин, Т.А. Крицкая, Н.А. Петрова, И.В. Шилова. — Саратов, 2015. — 127 с.