Scientific adviser

Stanislav Kolesov,

researcher at the Mammoth Fauna Research Laboratory, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The Age of Mammoth

Not without reason mammoths are considered the most famous extinct creatures, there are still lots of mysteries about these animals.
Woolly mammoth's shoulder height was 2.7 to 3.4 meters tall and weighed around 6 tons. The woolly mammoth was well adapted to the cold environment during the last ice age. It was covered in fur, with an outer covering of long guard hairs and a shorter undercoat. The colour of the coat varied from dark to light. The ears and tail were short to minimise frostbite and heat loss. It had long, curved tusks and four molars, which were replaced six times during the lifetime of an individual. The largest tusks found so far have reached a length of 4.2 meters. The mammoth's habitat is the steppes that stretched across Siberia and North America.
Woolly mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, steppe bison... the mention of these majestic animals of the Ice Age, has always aroused great interest among people. It should be noted that a person's interest in living beings is quite strong from a very early age, and during life is always somewhere in human consciousness, but the situation is completely different with the extinct animals that have disappeared from the face of the Earth. When a person sees an animal in the wild or at home, on the street, when he can watch or even touch it, a fairly strong and persistent interest may arise, caused by a surge of emotions. However, it is quite difficult for the younger generation to show interest in animals from drawings and museum exhibits.
The Age of Mammoth program is aimed at cultivating students’ interest in the study of mammoths, their evolution, living conditions, and the causes of extinction.
The program has 2 stages.
stage one - June, 10 to 20 - theoretical (online lectures); July - field work, scientific source study;
stage two - September, 10 to 20 - data processing, online consultations.
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Lecture 4. Mammoth finds

Список учебно-методических материалов:
1. Мащенко Е.Н. Потапова О.Р., Боескоров Г.Г., Харламова А.С., Протопопов А.В., Плотников В.В., Климовский А.И. Павлов И.С., Колесов С.Д., Агенброд Л. Детеныши мамонта: свидетельства жизни ледниковой эпохи / [Е.Н. Мащенко, О.Р. Потапова, Г.Г. Боескоров и др. : ред.: к.б.н. Е.Н. Мащенко, к.б.н. А.В. Протопопов] ; Акад. Наук Респ. Саха (Якутия), Прогр. исслед. Мамонтовой фауны. – Якутск : Алаас, 2015. – 104 с.
2. Протопопов А.В., Павлов И.С., Плотников В.В., Боескоров Г.Г., Мащенко Е.Н., Колесов С.Д., Климовский А.И. Атлас-определитель крупных млекопитающих мамонтовой фауны Якутии / [А.В. Протопопов, И.С. Павлов, В.В. Плотников и др. ; ред. : Г.Г. Боескорова, д.б.н., Е.Н. Мащенко, к.б.н.]. – Якутск : Алаас, 2016. – 72 с.
3. Мащенко Е.Н., Боескоров Г.Г., Протопопов А.В., Плотников В.В., Климовский А.И. Павлов И.С., Колесов С.Д., Тихонов А.Н., Протопопова В.В. Мамонт и другие древние животные Сибири: энциклопедия - Якутск : Бичик, 2018. - 108 стр
4. Angela Von Den Driesch. 1976, "A Guide to the Measurement of Animal Bones from Archaeological Sites" Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology Harvard University, Cambrindge, Massachusetts 02138, USA. - 137 p.
Research process stages
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