Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and think what nobody has thought.

Albert Szent-Györgyi

Online research project "Scientific summer"

Educational research project which 

joins children and adults and is based on knowledge integration in biology, physics, geography, environmental studies 

and information technologies.

The project outcome - Chronicle of Yakutia Nature recorded by students.

The project is aimed at enhancing students educational research in natural sciences, teaching field research methods and data processing, developing meta-subject competencies in students 

through independent research and study 

the nature of their locality.

Hands-on project which implies students independent research under the guidance of lead scientists of Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, 

Siberian Branch of RAS, and research scientists of Olekminsky Nature reserve. 

Areas of research

Phenology in my region

Phenology in my region

Zoological research 

 Zoological research

Летние интенсивные курсы
"Development of the Sakha Republic 

is impossible without new competencies. Initiatives like this one will help us achieve the main goal - to educate and raise our children as smart, progressive people, responsible for the future development 

of our republic."

Aysen Nikolayev, 

Head of the Sakha Republic 

Обучение в группах по граффику
“Online research projects help schoolchildren 

solve three problems: learn to work in collaboration in the scientific community; learn to use methods of scientific research; determine their educational trajectory and make choice of possible direction 

for their further education.” 

 Dr. Vasilii Pavlov, rector of the Sakha Junior 

Science Academy of Yakutia 

Индивидуальное обучение
"A distinctive feature of the project is 

the possibility to do simultaneous research 

in different parts of Yakutia using common research methods and programs. What’s more, it’s children 

and adults partnership where all researchers 

are focused on the overall objective: 

compiling Chronicle of Nature of Yakutia 

by the efforts of young researchers". 

 Olga Rozhkova, project leader 

Project calendar

10 — 20, June

Crash course

Teams and participants introductions. Online lectures and training on the field research methods. Choosing a research theme. Location and description of study sites. Start of the research. Keeping daily journal. Сompletion of the datasheets.
June — August

Data collection stage.

Keeping daily journal. Сompletion of the datasheets. According to the chosen theme the participants - children, together with teachers (parents), monitor the objects, collect data on their research objects in their area; scientific consultants guide these studies.
10 - 20, September

Analysis of observations and data collected.

Online consultations on processing the data obtained in the study and preparing for the research results presentation. Young researchers present their studies. At the end of the online session participants get recommendations for finalizing and presentation their projects at conferences and competitions.

News and events

Scientific summer on Yakutia's riverbanks

Project 2021 participants across Yakutia
научное лето онлайн участники
Click the map to view the participants info

June 30, Sardaana Day
фотоальбом научное лето 2021
Scientific summer 2021 photo book
Project results

What the project gave. What participants say:

Scientific summer online 2020 - How it was

On June 10, 2020 Olekminsk Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education, the regional branch of the Junior Academy of Sciences, Sakha Republic (Yakutia) launched the research project Scientific summer online 2020 for students all over republic. 
   303 young researchers from 22 regions of the Sakha Republic together with their teachers started to study flora and fauna and seasonal changes in the nature in their locality. Their aim was to record chronicles of the nature of their homeland. The objects of their study were wild plants, medicinal herbs and cultivated plants, water bodies, the world of insects and birds of their area.
    Young researchers worked under the guidance of lead scientists of Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone Siberian Branch of RAS and research scientists of Olekminsky Nature reserve.
  The project solves a set of methodological and educational tasks aimed at the development of the 21 century skills and qualities in students on the one hand, and obtaining objective scientific data on the ecosystems seasonal development in their locality which can be used in the future educational process, on the other hand.